Wild Root Yoga

Yin & Yoga Nidra
with Samantha

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September 15 (Sunday)
at 5:30 pm

Class length
75 minutes

Wild Root Yoga - Studio A

{All levels welcome} Yin Yoga poses apply moderate stress to the connective tissues of the body – the tendons, fascia, and ligaments – with the aim of increasing circulation in the joints and improving flexibility. Yin poses are held for longer periods of time – up to five minutes. A more meditative approach to yoga, yin aims at cultivating awareness of inner silence while creating spaciousness in the body. 
End this practice with a lovely Yoga Nidra-known as yogic sleep.  It is a meditation and conscious relaxation practice that is intended to induce total physical, mental, and emotional relaxation. Aside from being relaxing, restorative and restful, studies have shown that yoga nidra can also:
  • Ease insomnia
  • Decrease anxiety
  • Alleviate stress
  • Reduce PTSD, chronic pain and chemical dependency
  • Heighten awareness and focus
  • Transform negative habits, behaviors and ways of thinking
  • Foster feelings of peace, calm, and clarity