Wild Root Yoga

Relaxation Yoga (Zoom)
with Shalea (sub for Linda)


September 3 (Tuesday)
at 6:30 pm

Class length
60 minutes


{All levels welcome} During this class we strive for true relaxation which is experienced by the body and mind when little or no energy is consumed. It is Nature’s way of recharging. Since every action, conscious or unconscious, uses stored energy, relaxation is necessary good health and peace of mind. Without proper relaxation the body and mind become overworked and inefficient. Using yoga poses we strive to retrain the muscles to be able to relax. People who practice often feel like they need less sleep and feel more rested. This is because, when they lie down, they quickly fall into a sound sleep. When the mind is constantly bombarded by stimuli, it becomes overloaded and exhausted. We may be unaware that we are doing it, but by thinking and worrying we are using up tremendous amounts of energy. The tension put on the mind by worries, whether real or imagined, can use more energy than physical work. Come and enjoy this class to recharge your body and mind.


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